We take a strong stance on grounding teenagers. On behalf of all our teens in our programs – parents- please stop grounding them! You don’t have to do it. Discipline can still work great without it. Grounding simply doesn’t make sense to teens. They don’t get it. It feels like senseless torture and often ends…
Our Blog - Interpersonal Difficulties
Dive into the Antelope Recovery blog for guides, tips, and insights in your teen’s mental health. From battling summer blues to navigating IOPs, we’re here to help.

Value Testing: 4 Reasons Why Teens Say Outrageous Things
Teens love trying out a wide range of values and then seeing how the people around them respond. This is an essential part of teen self-concept building and is very developmentally appropriate. Often, teens love seeing their parents react to these new values negatively. Once the parents have a negative reaction, the teen will double…
My teen is giving me the silent treatment. Help!
It is disorienting, as a parent, to go from your chatty child who tells you about every minute detail of their life to a distant teenager who doesn’t want anything to do with you. Sometimes, teens can take this to the extreme and give you the silent treatment. Teens give their parents the silent treatment…