Problems with our current diagnostic system The current diagnostic system for mental disorders is documented in the DSMV, the diagnostic and statistical manual for researchers and clinicians. Currently, our diagnostic system for mental illnesses is based on symptom tracking. To receive a diagnosis, you must present with a specific set of symptoms, and clinicians will…
Our Blog - How Mental Healthcare Works
Dive into the Antelope Recovery blog for guides, tips, and insights in your teen’s mental health. From battling summer blues to navigating IOPs, we’re here to help.

An overview of mental health treatment options
Three types of mental health treatment Mental health care has access to three different types of treatments that work: Medication, Therapies, and Rehab Services. A combination of all three of these options usually creates the best results for anyone struggling with mental illness. These mental health treatment options are important to understand if you or…
Does virtual therapy really work?
For many teens, the thought of sitting in a therapist’s office may sound excruciating. Pouring out their feelings to a stranger may feel like being asked to move mountains. And for you, the parent, dragging them across town to a session, waiting for an hour in the car, just to drive your eye-rolling teen back…
Measurement-based care is essential for the future of mental health
Current lack of measurement-based care If you were to break your arm and go to a hospital, you would see a doctor and receive a standard treatment protocol for your arm that likely wouldn’t be too different from what any other doctor or facility would recommend. Your recovery would be monitored, and you would have…
5 problems in mental health care that we can fix
In the US, we currently have 1 trained therapist per 20 people in need. According to NIMH, this is more than enough therapists to ensure that every person in need of care can receive the appropriate treatment for their illnesses. If this is the case, why are so many people still not getting the care…