Safety Plans: For Teens

Anyone can benefit from a Safety Plan. It’s a simple tool you can use to navigate through crises. Think of it as a guide you create for yourself to follow when things get tough. When you’re in a crisis, it’s hard to think clearly. A Safety Plan, prepared in advance, gives you a clear path to follow.

Building a Safety Plan can be done on your own, but working with a mental health professional can add value. A clinician can offer support, suggest resources, and help you stick to the plan. Their guidance can be crucial, especially if you’re new to this.

What is a Safety Plan?

How does it work? You write down steps you’ll take when you’re in a crisis. This might include contacts to call, activities that calm you, and reminders of what has helped you in the past. When a crisis hits, instead of scrambling for a solution, you just follow the plan you’ve already laid out.

Your Safety Plan isn’t set in stone. It’s flexible. You can change it as needed. As you discover new resources or techniques that help you, add them to your plan. The key is to keep it updated and relevant to your needs.

In essence, a Safety Plan is about preparedness and support. It’s a way to take control and ensure you have a reliable strategy in place for those challenging moments. Whether you do it alone or with a professional, having a Safety Plan can make a significant difference.

Create a Safety Plan online

Ready to create your own safety plan? Click the button below to get started and take the first step towards safeguarding your mental health.