Advocacy for Clients
Antelope Recovery, LLC, is committed to upholding a high standard of care and integrity in fulfilling our mission across all aspects of our program. To ensure adherence to our principles and applicable regulations, we maintain a robust compliance program designed to help employees, contractors, and associates representing our organization.

Antelope Recovery, LLC, is committed to upholding a high standard of care and integrity in fulfilling our mission across all aspects of our program. To ensure adherence to our principles and applicable regulations, we maintain a robust compliance program designed to help employees, contractors, and associates representing our organization.
This page is designed to offer information and resources to our current clients.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone at Antelope Recovery, LLC, regarding your concerns as a client, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated Client Advocate for assistance via email at or call (303) 578-2391.
Request for Protected Health Information (PHI) Form
The Request for PHI Form is specifically for obtaining a copy of your personal or your minor child’s Antelope Recovery records.
To obtain a copy of your personal or your minor child’s records, follow these steps:
- Fill out the Request for PHI Form completely, ensuring legibility and accuracy.
- Sign and date the bottom of the form.
- If requesting records for a minor child, use their name for all “client” areas.
- Email the completed form to for the fastest response.
- Alternatively, you can send the form via regular mail or fax using the address and fax number provided at the top of the form.
- Please specify how you would like to receive the records. If by email, the records will be sent securely from the clinical records email, along with directions for opening the attachment.
- Once we receive your request, our records staff may contact you with any questions.
Release of Information
You must complete a Release of Information form if you want Antelope Recovery to share your records with anyone other than yourself, such as a pediatrician, clinician, or other professional. If you have any questions, please call us at (303) 578-2391.
Client Grievance Form
At Antelope Recovery, we place high importance on open communication with our clients and their families or legal guardians, ensuring there are appropriate avenues for expressing any problem or grievance. A grievance is defined as any situation or condition that a client thinks is unfair, unjust or inequitable. If you encounter such concerns, we encourage you to share them with us through our Client Grievance Form. To report a grievance, please complete the form and send it to Antelope Recovery’s Client Advocate at
Your feedback is important to us, and we are committed to resolving any issues to achieve the best outcomes for our clients.
Accounting of Disclosures Request Form
Per the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), clients have a right to receive an accounting of disclosures of protected health information made by Antelope Recovery, LLC, for a period of time less than six years from the date of the request. You may access our Request for Accounting of Disclosure Form here.